Team built around Dracovish and Galarmitan. Small changes can be made about Lando's 4th move, Palkia's Item (AV for longevity?) and just coverage moves in general. Yveltal creeps positive nature base 90s, Xerneas is just a generally bulky-ish GeoXern set. Palkia is still an amazing Kyogre answer and is still just tough to switch into.

Special Ground-types are very difficult for the current meta to witch into safely, especially cause Webs make revenge killing it even tougher, with Rock Slide nailing Ho-Oh who'd otherwise hard wall. Mental Herb on Shuckle is because I've been run down by Taunt Yveltal a bit too much as of recent, Red Card is better in a vacuum. Was requested to make a team with Landorus-I and Palkia, where the OP already had webs on so I tried to keep it as close to that idea as possible. This is more of a fun team that's decently reliable than a reliable team that's decently fun I just wanted to build something that deviates a bit from most builds right now. Main threats are Groudon and Zacian (nothing new here), and Zekrom/Zygarde/Calyrex-Shadow depending on the rest of their team and how you play. Kyurem-B - Enough speed for max speed Kyogre, rest into defenses.Zacian-Crowned - Enough speed to avoid Modest Eternatus, unclear how much "more I need" because having bulk to live one hit is valuable, moveset might look weird but Crunch is necessary based on KO'ing NDM later, Play Rough is obvious, and Behemoth is for Etern/Bold Xern (which this team will see a lot of late game by the MU-so I don't prefer Wild Charge or CC here).Etern - Pretty much a DLC 1 spread to avoid Marshadow giving me the hands you can try Toxic > T-Spikes but Ho-Oh/Yveltal are not problems to this team so I prefer to pressure Zygarde/Ogre/Zekrom, which are bigger threats.NDM - Speed is to ensure you're faster than Jolly Zacian after T-Wave.Yveltal - Enough to reliably avoid a 4HKO from non-Specs Calyrex-Shadow, with some Defense for Trick Room NDM and for better rolls against fully offensive Groudon.This is played offensively almost always-you're trying to break them as quickly/efficiently as possible. The goal is to overwhelm NDM with Zacian + Marshadow + Yveltal + T-Wave to allow either Agility Zacian or DD Kyurem-B to get a late game sweep. It's not "reliable" in the sense that it is definitely not a clear check, but Eternatus getting frozen by one of two Ice Beams is far greater than 3.9%, so this is a fun mon to use. 40 HP / 252 SpD Kyurem-Black in Rain: 174-204 (43.3 - 50.8%) - 3.9% chance to 2HKO was the calc that motivated me to build this. This team features a heat Ogre and some-Zygardes check (term used loosely because Icicle Spear is a game of odds) that is Kyurem-B:Ģ52 SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs.